Altelal Agro for Agricultural Entries
Ranked as one of the most leading and weighty modern firms in the field of trading and importing agricultural inputs. Commenced its outset in establishing an uncompromising and organized management strategy, it has been modernized in keeping pace with the Era of Trade, taking a quantum leap forward with supreme efforts and confident steps crowned with great success. All thanks to God first and to the pioneer of Al-Telal firm, the businessman Eng: Majed Muhammed Abdulkareem Almaswary for his remarkable contributions that came very early, paving the way of the firm to occupy an eminent position in the field of importing and trading agricultural inputs. Based on the mastermind, Eng: Majed, whose name embraced the high sky, Al-Telal then was established to be the second-to-none regarding the fulfillment of the needs of Yemeni market, provided with the most marketable products which are marked with high quality under the brands of the most pioneering European and Middle Eastern manufacturers.
In the light of the aforementioned, the noble goal that Al-Telal always aims at is gaining a foothold in creating mutual relationships with those firms and manufacturers highly qualified with products of the first rate. Based on that, Al-Telal has been always on the fast track of ensuring its effectiveness, imposing its merit and repute of high quality product, as well as its influence of de facto reality.
Not only that, but the noblest goal was and still be ensuring safety for plants, environment, humans and animals through the grand results noted by the client and consumer. This what makes the high quality products a source of trust and faith strongly fastening Al-Telal firm and its clients.
Therefore, Al-Telal firm does continue to keep pace with what the local market needs by following up the situation of supply and demand as well as the products of sale and purchase to move forward. This happens as a favorable marketing plan to opening opportunities in the situation of supply, and polarizing clients in the one of demand and vice versa. Added, proposing privileges to the distinguished clients by the team specialized in marketing whose task is holding this accountability with much care and interest.
It is worth mentioning that Al-Telal is staffed with a team specialized in the area of instructions and media to find problem-solving and take the necessary procedures in the right time such as preparing materials, compounds, and mixtures necessary to combat pests and diseases.
One more thing worth mentioning is that Al-Telal possesses honorable presence through its influencal participations in supporting based-on service, humanitarian, and national fields. Thus, this what rightly leads Al-Telal firm to be the station where trust meets the expectations of Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation along with its offices.