Crowtan 325 SC :-

A systemic (preventive and curative) fungicide composed of two active ingredients that provide a dual and broad-spectrum effect against various fungal diseases affecting a wide range of crops


1- %Azoxystrobin 25

2- Difenoconazole 12.5%

Usage Rates
Safety periodUsage ratios ml / 100 liters of waterDiseaseCrop
7 days40 – 60powdery mildew, early blighttomatoes
7 days50 – 70Powdery mildewcantaloupe
3 days40 – 60Powdery mildewCucumbers, zucchini, pipar
21 days50 – 70powdery mildew, black mildewGrapes
14 days50 – 70Early blightpotatoes
21 days40 – 60Alternaria blightOnion, garlic
7 days50 – 70Powdery mildewFruit trees
21 يوم50 – 70Powdery mildewJasmine, ornamental trees
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