Najmectin 18 EC :-

An acaricidal and insecticidal insecticide that works by contact and through the stomach, it eliminates many types of spiders, webworms, and insects that affect agricultural crops and ornamental plants.”


Abamectin 1.8

Usage Rates
Safety periodUsage ratios ml / 100 liters of waterPestCrop
7 days60 – 75Fruit worms, spiders LeafwormsTomatoes, potatoes Kubash, zucchini, cucumber
14 days70 – 80Tunnel makers, spiders Fruit wormsCitrus/Apple, Persian Elder, guava, pomegranate
7 days70 – 80Coffee BeadsCotton, Coffee
7 days60 – 75Fruit worms, spiders LeafwormsOnions and garlic
14 days70 – 80SpidersOrnamental plants
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