Fenozid 100 SC :-

A highly efficient acaricidal insecticide composed of two different substances. The substance Methoxyfenozide (as an ecdysone inhibitor) prevents the transition of insects from one stage to another and stops the larvae from feeding on the crop (it closes the mouthparts). The substance Abamectin works on the rapid extermination of the remaining insects and mites.


1- Methoxyfenozide 8%

2- Abamectin 2%

Usage Rates
Safety periodUsage rate ml/100 l waterPestCrop
10 days30 – 50Fruit worms, spiders LeafwormsTomatoes, potatoes Kubash, zucchini, cucumber
14 days40 – 60Tunnel makers, spiders Fruit wormsCitrus/Apple, Persian Plus, guava, pomegranate
10 days40 – 60Coffee BeadsCotton, Coffee
10 days30 – 50Fruit worms, spiders LeafwormsOnions and garlic
10 days40 – 60SpidersOrnamental plants
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