Clopir 240 SC :-

A pesticide and insecticide that affects by contact and through the stomach, it is broad-spectrum and effective against all stages of spiders. It has a side insecticidal effect on a wide range of agricultural pests and works to break the immunity that the pest has acquired from the use of traditional insecticides.


Chlorfenapyr 24%

Usage Rates
Safety periodUsage ratios ml / 100 liters of waterPestCrop
7 days30 – 50Red spiders Tunnel Makers Onion thripsTomatoes, potatoes Kobus zucchini, cucumber Onion, garlic
21 days40 – 60Dream, spiders Red, Makers Tunnels, thripsCitrus (apples) Farsk, Pulse guava, pomegranate)
21 days30 – 50Red spidersCoffee
21 days40 – 60White DreamOrnamental plants
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