Ammonium sulfate (granules)

AmmoniumAmmonium sulfate (granules):-

100% water solubility.

It works on the quality of the crop, the speed and increase of production.

The product is characterized by containing nitrogen and sulfur, as nitrogen contributes to the process of vegetative growth of the plant, which gives excellent results for fruits in the growth stages, and sulfur improves soil fertility to increase the spread and growth of roots and the ability to absorb, and works to disinfect the soil from weeds and small weeds that hinder the growth of vegetable and fruit trees,The product is a nutrient for vegetables in greenhouses and is also used for fruit trees, citrus fruits and field crops, where it helps the plant to extract important elements and food from the soil. The product is also characterized by the possibility of mixing with other chemical compounds.


Nitrogen 21%

Sulfur 24%

Usage rates
CropReviewsUsage ratios
Vegetables (tomatoes, peppers, carrots, potatoes, watermelons, cabbage, zucchini, eggplants)To give fast and strong vegetative growth and provide plants with nitrogen3,5 kg per 100 m²
Cucumbers in greenhousesUsed at the beginning of growth to give rapid vegetative growth3 kg per 100 square meters
OnionIt is used immediately after seedling to give fast and strong vegetative growth3,5 kg per 100 m²
Fruits (bananas, grapes, pomegranates)To give fast and strong vegetative growth3,5 kg per 100 m²
MangoTo give fast and strong vegetative growth0.5 kg – 1.5 kg for a large tree during the year
Used in the process of drip irrigation at a rate of 3 kg per 100 square meters
It is used in the process of flood irrigation at a rate of 4 kg per 100 square meters

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