FIKRAM 500 SC :-

A modern systemic fungicide (transitional) with a wide preventive, curative and eradicative action against most fungal diseases that affect all agricultural crops such as early blight, powdery and downy mildew, anthracnose, leaf spots and gray rot, and fights fungi that have gained immunity against other conventional pesticides.


Trifloxystrobin 50% SC

Usage rates
CropDiseaseUsage rate ml/100 l waterSafety period
Fruit, grapes, almonds, apples, mangoesPowdery mildew, downy mildew, black rot, sifted perforation, anthracnose30 – 5015 Days
Vegetables, zucchini, cucumber, watermelon, grain, pepper, potato, tomatoPowdery mildew, echoes, blight, downy mildew30 – 5014 Days
Onion, garlicEchoes30 – 5014 Days
CoffeeEchoes, anthracnose30 – 5015 Days
Cereals (wheat, corn, barley)Echoes, leaf spots30 – 5015 Days
Ornamental plantsPowdery mildew30 – 5015 Days
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