SERKLE 325 SC :-

A systemic therapeutic and preventive fungicide with a dual action that fights a wide range of fungal diseases such as powdery mildew, blight and leaf spots that affect plants, field crops, fruits and vegetables


1- 20% Azoxystrobin

2- Difenoconazole 12,5%

Usage rates
CropDiseaseUsage rate ml/100 l waterSafety period
Tomatoespowdery mildew, early blight50 – 7014 Days
PiperPowdery mildew50 – 7014 Days
cucumber, zucchini, melon,Powdery mildew50 – 7014 Days
GrapesPowdery mildew, black rot50 – 7021 Days
potatoesEarly blight50 – 7014 Days
OnionTrencharia blight50 – 7021 Days
Fruit treesPowdery mildew50 – 7014 Days
Jasmine, ornamental treesPowdery mildew50 – 7021 Days
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